Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Philipp Sibbertsen

30167 Hannover

Focal Points in Research and Teaching
- Time Series with Long Memory
- Non-linear Time Series Econometrics
- Statistics on Financial Markets
Curriculum Vitae
Professional Background
since 2005
Professor of Statistics2011
Visiting professor at CREATES, Aarhus University, Denmark2004 - 2005
"Heisenberg" sholarship holder of the DFG2001 - 2002
Visiting researcher at the Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, Great Britain2001 - 2004
Assistant Professor at the Institute of Business and Social Statistics at the Faculty of Statistics, Technische Universität Dortmund2000 - 2003
Habilitation in "Econometrics and Applied Statistics" at the Faculty of Statistics, Technische Universität Dortmund1999 - 2001
Research Assistant at the Institute of Business and Social Statistics at the Faculty of Statistics, Technische Universität Dortmund1999
Promotion in Statistics at the Faculty of Statistics, Technische Universität Dortmund1997
Diploma in Mathematics, Universität Hamburg -
Memberships and Offices
- Spokesman of the "Research Focus: Innovation and Learning", Leibniz University Hannover, from 2018 until now
- Member of the board of the "Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft", from 2016 until now
- Member of the "Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft"
- Member of Editorial Boards of „Statistical Papers” and "ASta"
- Dean of studies at the School of Business and Economics, Leibniz University Hannover, from 2011 until 2013
- Chairman of the committee on Statistical Theory and Methodology of the "Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft", from 2008 until 2012
- International coordinator at the School of Business and Economics, Leibniz University Hannover, from 2006 until 2011
- Descriptive Statistics
- Inductive Statistik
- Avanced Statistics
- Time Series Analysis